Hair Loss in Women Causes |
As for man, the androgenetic'Alopecia constitues the main cause of hair loss in women.
It is a condition that affects inheritance 2 / 3 of women who lose their hair. Can 'be passed by both the father or the mother or both parents.
There are no known rules, the inheritance is complex. Moreover, this can affeszione 'influence members of the same phratry, and can' shoot me a generation.
As for man, the circumstances may be attached to the causes of hair loss or to participate to the effects of inherited disease.
We must look for:
You can 'be a hormonal change.
Ipotiroidisme (too little thyroid hormones)
Iperandrogenetica hormone (mascile)
Hypoestrogenism (too few feminine hormones) that explains the hair loss in menopausal women.
CSi can 'deal with a deficiency in vitamins or minerals:
Deficiency in iron, copper, magnesium or
Vitamin B deficiency
Protein deficiency
Or taking medicines:
Tricyclic antidepressants
Finally, some rare skin diseases:
Allopecia airy , lupus, pelado, ringworm due to a mucosal
Hirsutisme : The problem is strictly female.
Recession of the hair line fronto-temporal.
or not accompanied by signs of virilization: hairiness plenty of men like the rest of the body, acne, severe voice, amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), hypertrophy of the clitoris, decreased breast size.
Compulsion pulling their hair (comparable to the nail-biting).
Traction alopecia , often in women of black race.
Scarring alopecia (eg due to a sunburn).
The consultation allows you to isolate the cause of hair loss .
ditagliata A blood test can rule out causes attached.
Sometimes we must resort to a biopsy in order to improve the diagnosis.
What are the differences mascile alopecia?
Women lose their hair in quantity and most of their hair becomes fine.
The front edge is often preserved.
The donor area is often sparse.